
Tingg Business Series: “The Ross Breeders Story”

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How would you rate your chicken experience? Do you fancy an incendiary, saccharine, high-flavoured or savoury flavour combo? Spices and herbs are vital factors, but the source of the bird is just as crucial in making the dish even more relishing. That’s where Ross Breeders comes in!!

Ross Breeders Zambia Ltd produces Ross 308 chicken-broiler breeds in the form of parent stock, hatching eggs and chicks to local customers and regional markets abroad. The Ross 308 is a fast-growing, feed-efficient broiler with a good meat yield. 

Rosebreeders has feed mills in Lusaka and Kitwe that produce Nutri Feeds – explicitly designed for broilers, layers and pigs – bought at retail outlets nationwide or multiple resellers. They also have a modern abattoir in Mimosa that manufactures the high-quality Supreme Chicken range.

Given its many business lines, the company needed an efficient and scalable way to manage its payments. We had the opportunity to speak with Chilumba Muleya and got an insight into their concerns. According to Muleya, Rosebreeders required an efficient platform to accept payments, cut down on business costs and have real-time visibility into each transaction.


Rosebreeder’s collaboration with Tingg has allowed them to gain convenience, security and efficiency when managing their payments Through Tingg Instore. Besides that, Tingg Instore has eliminated the stress and worry of dealing with large amounts of cash or thefts. Our Tingg Instore platform allows for secure, hassle-free transactions.

With Tingg Instore, Rossbreeders customers can now use any mobile money network to pay for Chicken Feed, Day-old Chicks, and Supreme Chicken products at any Ross Breeders depot. The payment process is easy and secure, while Rosebreeders can track their transactions electronically on a single platform.

Tingg Instore offers various benefits for businesses in Africa, making payment collection a smooth and effortless process. One of the primary advantages of Tingg Instore is its ability to automate manual processes, reducing transaction costs and saving time.

Let Tingg Instore payments simplify your business payment solutions – start today!


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