Payment Links Makes It Easy For You To Accept And Collect Payments Through Simple Automated Links From Anywhere In Africa.
Collect Payments from your customers via an automated link that can be sent on – chat, social media, in-store, Email, SMS, Messenger…etc
Enable fast and simple payment experiences within any social media platform or/and upon delivery of goods to the customer.
Your customers receive a web link which when clicked redirects them to a web page with their bill/invoice summary and different payment options are availed.
You’ll have access to a reporting dashboard for you generate links and use them to collect payments
This will guarantee that all information related to online payments is accurately documented in your accounting records, that no transactions are missed, and that each component of a transaction is assigned to the appropriate category in the books.
“Since going live with this Tingg, we’ve noted that customers are expressing pleasure in having this simplified way of paying. It’s clear that this improves their customer experience when they visit our shops by reducing the morning queues at distribution points during high traffic times.“
“We have already processed millions of transactions in 2021 alone. We have served over 550,000 unique consumers through a network of over 100,000 merchants, across all the major Kenyan towns.“
“We have been able to reduce cash transaction volumes and offer our customers a seamless payment experience“