
E-Commerce: The Benefits of Dashboard Analytics

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With the rise of e-commerce, businesses have also adopted digital payments to stay competitive and offer their customers a seamless payment experience. As a business owner, you might have already made the shift to digital payments. However, simply offering digital payment options is not enough. To truly leverage the benefits of digital payments, you need to utilise dashboard analytics to understand your customers’ behaviour and grow your business.

This blog post explores how dashboard analytics can help grow your business and why embracing this technology is essential.

Understanding Customer Behaviour

Digital payments have made it easier for customers to pay for products and services. With just a few clicks, they can complete a transaction. However, as a business owner, you need to know more than just how many transactions you process.

Dashboard analytics can provide you with valuable insights into your customers’ behaviour. For example, you can track their purchasing patterns, understand which products they prefer and identify trends in their spending habits. This data can help you target your marketing and promotional strategies to meet your customers’ needs better.

For example, using dashboard analytics, you might notice that your customers tend to buy certain products during a particular time of the year. With this knowledge, you can create targeted promotions to entice your customers to buy more of these products during this period. This way, you can boost your sales and better serve your customers.

Optimising the Customer Experience

In addition to understanding customer behaviour, dashboard analytics can help you optimise the customer experience. For example, you can identify any bottlenecks in the payment process by tracking your customers’ interactions with your website or app. This information can help you make changes that improve the customer experience.

For instance, you might notice that many customers abandon their carts during the payment process. Using dashboard analytics, you can identify the cause of the problem, whether it’s a slow-loading page or a confusing checkout process. You can then make changes to streamline the payment process and reduce the number of abandoned carts.

Increasing Responsiveness

With a digital dashboard, you can set up alerts so a notification is sent when certain events occur. For example, these alerts could include a request for a refund, a failed transaction or a meeting of a sales target. This way, you can be more reactive and take swift action to prevent any potential issues. This increased responsiveness allows you to serve your customers better.

Reducing Fraud

A significant concern when it comes to digital payments is fraud. As more and more transactions move online, businesses need to take steps to protect themselves and their customers from fraudsters. Dashboard analytics can help you identify and prevent fraudulent transactions before they occur.

The dashboard can flag suspicious activity, such as multiple transactions from the same device or unusual payment amounts. You can then take steps to investigate the activity and prevent any further fraudulent transactions. This way, you can protect your business and customers from financial loss.


Dashboard analytics is a powerful tool that can help businesses thrive in the digital age. By understanding customer behaviour, optimising the customer experience, staying competitive and reducing fraud, companies can leverage dashboard analytics to make data-driven decisions that drive growth and profitability. In addition, as digital payments continue to become the norm in Africa and across the globe, businesses that embrace dashboard analytics will have a significant advantage over their competitors. 

Now is the time to start leveraging the power of dashboard analytics to grow your business in the digital age. If you would like to find out more, contact us at Tingg today.


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