
Tingg Business Series: The “Perfect Trust” Story

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Perfect Trust Cosmetics is an upscale beauty and personal care company in Nigeria that  offers its customers high-quality beauty products. The company has grown rapidly and is now one of Nigeria’s leading Beauty and Wellness retail brands. 

Perfect Trust Cosmetics offers an outstanding shopping experience with a wide range of high-quality products and up-to-date trends. The company provides customers with the best possible beauty and personal care experience, making it the ideal place for anyone who wants to look and feel their best.

We sat down with Judith Dimoke Chukwu, a beauty advisor at Perfect Trust cosmetics, who intimated how the company was facing a problem with confirming customer transactions manually. Given that the cosmetics industry is fast-paced and ever-changing, Perfect Trust Cosmetics needed a system that could keep up with consumer demands. Manual payment confirmations created an unnecessary burden on employees and ran the risk of human error.

Enter Tingg!!

To ensure that its customers can pay for and receive their products promptly and efficiently, Perfect Trust Cosmetics invested in Tingg’s Instore Payment Solutions. 

The most significant benefit was the improved security of customer transactions. Tingg Instore advanced digital security measures exposed no customer information during the payment process. This kept Perfect Trust compliant with industry standards and ensured their customers’ data safety.

The added convenience also made the company’s service more attractive to its customers. Using Tingg Instore, customers can make payments safely and efficiently without worrying about manually entering their credit card numbers or banking information. 

Overall, Perfect Trust Cosmetics experienced success with Tingg Instore. Customers can now access a much faster and more secure payment processing system. At the same time, the beauty company was able to stay compliant with industry standards and ensure their customer’s data safety.


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