
Payments API: What it is & How to Integrate Payment Systems into Your E-commerce System

Africa's Popular Digital Payment Options

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E-commerce websites and apps require the use of a payment API to ensure a seamless checkout process for customers. E-commerce payment processing involves various components and systems: a checkout page, a payment gateway, a payment processor, etc. The work of a payments API is to integrate these payment systems, allowing them to communicate in a smooth and uninterrupted sequence. If you’re an e-commerce business owner, let’s help you get familiar with how Payment APIs work as we answer common questions about API integrations for payments in this article.


What is a Payment API?

A payment API (application programming interface) is an integration mechanism that connects one or more payment software, allowing them to share data in a streamlined manner for the smooth processing of an online payment transaction. An API integration provides real-time communication that enables an e-commerce website to pass along payment information from its checkout page with payment solutions that can accept and process customers’ transactions.


How does 3rd Party API Payment Integration Work?

3rd-party API integration involves connecting a payment API from a third-party payment provider like Tingg to your e-commerce website or app. 3rd party API is used when you intend to integrate payment services from another platform in accepting and processing payments for your business.  With a 3rd party API integration, customers can be seamlessly rerouted from your checkout page to a third payment platform to complete a payment transaction.


Benefits of API integration for E-commerce

API integration allows you to offer customers a secure, fast and smooth payment process while taking advantage of the best third-party payment systems to improve how you accept payments on your e-commerce site. 

  1. Payment APIS come with advanced data protection and fraud detection features offering increased security to customers.
  2. Using an API integration allows you to shift the responsibility of payment data storage to a third-party platform with the appropriate PCI-compliant standard to protect them from any breach.
  3. API integration for payments male subscription-based payments, recurring transactions, and refunds easier to process.
  4. With API integration to a third-party payment service, you can enable your website to accept various payment methods and even multiple currencies.
  5. Payment API integration allows you to track all transactions allowing you to reconcile payments easily.


How to Integrate Payment Systems into Your E-commerce Platform

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to integrate payment platforms into your e-commerce website.

  1. Research and select the payment provider of your choice
  2. Open an account on the payment platform
  3. Ask your provider for technical support with API implementation
  4. Complete the integration process


Be sure to research a payment service provider with a very easy integration process. Tingg is a leading payment platform available in Nigeria and Kenya, and it is a great example of a payment platform with a hassle-free API integration process. Our easy-to-use API requires minimal technical expertise, and if you feel lost, our support team is always on standby to help you complete the process. 

Got more questions about integrating the Tingg payment system into your e-commerce website? Visit tingg.africa/ to learn more and talk to our support team.


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