
Tingg Has Made Life Easy For Papa’s Pizza

Tingg Has Made Life Easy For Papa's Pizza

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Much like the rising of the sea level lifts all ships, so does powering payments through Tingg by Cellulant lifts Africa’s economy.

As a result life becomes easy for businesses across the continent because, not only do they have a safe and secure platform to collect and manage their  payments, but also they are able to serve their customers with unimpeded joy and happiness,because why not!

This was evident when Doreen Wugah Yayra, Marketing Manager at Papa’s Pizza which is based in Accra ,Ghana was explaining to  us how Tingg by Cellulant had solved their biggest pain point by providing them with a powerful payment platform.

“Somebody should have told me about Tingg earlier.” she lamented.

She described meeting our very own Fred Oduro, Head of Business Development Ghana as fate, because not only was the meeting impromptu but she was just from another meeting with her colleague and they had discussed how to solve their payment problem.

Using his excellent expertise and research skills Fred had figured out how Papa’s Pizza would benefit immensely from Tingg Instore and went ahead and prepared a wholesome pitch that Doreen immediately said Yes to before he even concluded 

Before we move on, Let me tell you about Papa’s Pizza 

Papa’s Pizza is an independent fast food restaurant chain that specializes in making the best pizza in Accra Ghana. Established in 2011, it has quickly become the go-to Pizza place with 12 branches across different parts of Accra.

Doreen’s meeting with Fred happened two weeks before Christmas and so they had to move swiftly to sign up with Tingg and set up Tingg Instore in the 12 branches in order to capitalize on the holiday season.

In less than a week, installation and training were completed, and all systems were good to go. There were no extra costs of any kind, such as service fees or other hidden expenditures. These are some of the things that make Tingg by Cellulant the most trusted payment gateway in Africa.

With Tingg Instore setup, Papa’s Pizza now has a centralized account that receives payment from all the payment options available making it easy for reconciliation.

They can also track payments as they happen instantly from all the 12 branches which allows speedy of any payment issues that may arise.

They also have access to daily, weekly and monthly reports from all the branches which can help them with the performance review. 

Tingg also provides 24/7 technical support just to ensure smooth running of the payment processes across the different branches  

Customers can pay Papa’s Pizza from the Vodafone, Airtel Tigo and MTN Mobile Money wallet. They can also pay through the following USSD Code *234* Branch Code.

“Tingg has been an amazing experience,” said Doreen as she was serving yours truly a piece of the delicious  Pizza which came with mushroom and pineapple toppings.

To be part of the Tingg Family, Talk to us today.


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