
Let’s Talk About Payment Links

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Do you know who invented Payment links? Neither do I but speaking to our very able software engineers, they are confident that this is a game changer in the payments space. 

Reason being this is the most simple and easy to use payment method by both customers and business alike. 

“It’s as easy as ABC,” Says Fred, Our Product Manager 

So What Is Payment Links?

Payment Links is a dynamic offering by Tingg by Cellulant to help business owners like yourself  accept payments faster from their customers without the need for a website, app or any programming  experience.

You just have to log on to Tingg.Africa and then create unique links from the Tingg Business Dashboard and instantly share them with their customers. Easy as a Sunday morning.

If your business is an enterprise or small or medium businesses with internal business tools and systems such as ERP’ s, sales dispatch tools etc..you can generate payment links by integrating into Tingg’s APIs so that you are able to trigger payment requests.

Once you have finally created the link it can be sent to the customer through email, WhatsApp, SMS, chatbots and even social media.

On receiving the link, your esteemed customers will then need to click on the link which will direct them to a webpage that contains the bill or the invoice details. 

They can then proceed to pay you with their preferred payment option. These options include credit/debit cards, Mobile Money, Bank Transfer among others.

If the concept seems simple, that’s because it’s meant to be; it’s an online transaction stripped to its basic essentials. 

When Can You Use Payment Links?

The good thing about Payment Links is that you are not limited to one particular way in which you are supposed to use. You can use it a number of ways. This flexible nature is what makes it the tipping point in this  digital payment space.

So when can you use it:

  • When your business doesn’t have a website. Maybe this could probably be because you are a new business, or you sell your products or services on social media or handle most of your business  transactions in person.
  • When your business has a website, but it doesn’t support e-commerce. Or, maybe when you don’t want to operate an e-commerce site on an ongoing basis.
  • When you sell your product or services  through many digital channels. Perhaps you do a lot of business directly on your social media pages, through text messages or with a newsletter, and you want to tailor a different payment experience for each.
  • When you have recurring or scheduled billing cycles with your customers
  • When you collect your payments on delivery of goods or services.
  • When you need a tool that supports occasional sales. Maybe you release special editions a few times a year or you are giving out special discounts such as Christmas or end of year sale. Instead of going  through the process of building it into your permanent website, you’ll jus generate temporary payment links 

And What Will You Benefit From Using Payment Links 

Your preferred point of contact with your customer becomes your checkout. Whether you interact with them on chat, sms, social media, email, messenger or website you can easily drop a link or get paid instantly. This also promotes effective communications between you and your customers.

You can save money with Payment Links since maintaining a website or app is expensive. Payment linkages save small firms from needless maintenance expenditures and the expense of hiring employees to carry out the same tasks.

With payment links, you’ll have a reporting dashboard to generate and use links. This ensures the online payment data is correctly reflected in your accounting books, no transactions are missed, and each transaction component is assigned to the appropriate category..

If you are thinking about collecting payments with payment links, then follow your intuition.

Talk to us and we’ll set you up.


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